
Attending ISE?: Exclusive 60 Percent Code for invidis Events

Interested in joining one of our conferences at ISE 2025 next week? Here’s a 60% readers code for both the DSS and the Retail Track.

At ISE in Barcelona, invidis will be hosting two events this year: Our traditional Digital Signage Summit (DSS) and the Retail Track. At DSS ISE we’ll cover the state of the digital signage market as a whole, while at the Retail Track, the sessions will revolve around in-store signage and Retail Media.

For the readers of our invidis Weekly, we have exclusive 60 percent codes for both conferences:

  • DSS code: 9RB9AQUE (valid on DSS Conference Pass)
  • Retail Track code: EVHRMMWM (valid on Day Pass)

The ticket purchasing process has been changed this year and you need to register to ISE first. If you’re not yet registered, you can do so via this link and get free entrance.

How to purchase tickets

Here’s a run-through on how to purchase conference tickets:

You can register for any of the three after your initial ISE registration. To get your conference ticket, follow this process:

1. Select either of the two links

    2. Buy a ticket:

    • Select the Attendee Ticket, which should be EUR 0.00.
    • Choose your event and add it to your account (with the full amount).

    3. Continue the registration process using your email and follow the next steps.

    4. At checkout, add your invitation code

    5. After check-out, you will receive your badge

    Here’s a little preview of the events with highlights: