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invidis confidential 19|24: This Is Turning Into Something Better

Our confidential format is ending – but something better is on the way. Soon, you will receive it directly in your inbox. Meanwhile, don’t miss the treasures in this edition: an analysis of recent M&A deals, an exclusive interview with elevator DooH pioneer Niall Sallam, and more.

For 17 years, we’ve been pushing out content about digital signage. Mostly, we’ve been doing that in German through our daily newsletter. Over the years, our platform has grown more and more international. We now have about 50 percent of readers auto-translating our newsletter into English.

This year, we set ourselve the goal to finally start a seperate editorial page and newsletter for our international audience to not only save them the pain of auto-translation but also to provide them with news and background articles that are relevant on a broader scale.

This confidential was us taking baby steps towards that goal. Through this format we provided a weekly summary of the most important news in the digital signage market. But number 19 may very well put an end to it, because we are finally putting the finishing touches on our actual English-language weekly newsletter.

So, if you are not already on our subscribers list, make sure you get on there to receive our free, editorial content in your email inbox! You can do so by downloading any of our (also free) English yearbooks.

That said, let me bring you our stories of the week:

Seven acquisitions in seven days

Apparently, this week was M&A week in the digital signage industry: After LG followed Samsung’s IoT strategy by acquiring the platform Homes, several mid-sized and smaller digital signage companies also announced takeovers, from touch specialist i3-Technologies to software provider Wallboard:

Elevator DooH on the rise (actually)

Digital-out-of-Home in elevators has been getting track in Europe for the past few years, led by Swiss manufacturer Schindler with their Schindler Media Network, founded in 2021. In Dubai, elevator DooH has a longer history, starting in 2013 when Elevision founder Niall Sallam began placing screens in elevators and marketing them to advertisers. Now, Elevision is expanding to London. In this exclusive interview, Niall Sallam explains the success behind his business model.

Samsung The Wall is going to sea

The world’s first media ship, Pioneer One, has been sailing on the Spree in Berlin for two years. It was developed and is used by Mediapioneer, a digital media house led by Gabor Steingard, podcaster and former boss of the German business newspaper Handelsblatt. 

Now, its sister ship, Pioneer Two, went to sea – larger, more spectacular, and equipped with lots of digital signage, courtesy of Samsung Germany, which provided screens and LEDs from stern to bow. The highlight is a swiveling The Wall installation.

invidis attended the launch of Pioneer Two on the Rhine.

In other news

Until next week (hopefully already in your e-mail inbox),

Antonia Hamberger