
ISE 2024: New Ecodistrict laMercedes in Barcelona

A former Mercedes-Benz factory in Barcelona will be redeveloped to a mixed, compact, and inclusive neighborhood. Creators of the eco district are the resident architects of Inditex Batlleiroig Arquitectura. The project is based on the conservation of the main industrial buildings complemented by new buildings and green infrastructure.

The former Mercedes-Benz factory is a 9ha industrial site located at north-eastern part of Barcelona. In the 1950s, it became the headquarters of the public company ENMASA. When it was closed 15 years ago, it became a hermetic, disused site.

The historical and heritage value of the laMercedes lies in the material value of all its buildings, which is the result of successive projects during the 1950s to the 1970s. The proposed development recognizes the architectural history and social significance of the place through the reuse of various existing buildings. The project is based on the conservation of the main industrial buildings, which are used for cultural and educational facilities. Complemented by new buildings for economic activities.

The first project in the complex is the recovery of the workshop and office building from the 1970s for the implementation of the Elisava design school. The undertaking combines preservation of heritage and implementation of uses related to knowledge in a sample of what the future of the Mercedes venue may be.


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An urban habitat ready to fight climate change.

Structured around green infrastructure – streets and squares – and designed with systems and materials that can reduce temperatures in its surrounding environment by up to 3ºC. The free space will be a permeable and accessible meeting place that promotes social cohesion. Priority will be given to green spaces, enhancing nature and biodiversity over vehicles, which are eliminated from public spaces.

Bershka Rome designed by Batlleiroig Arquitectura