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invidis confidential 10|24: CMS – Same, Same but Different?

DSS Europe 2024 including the launch of the invidis CMS comparison platform is coming closer. Just two months to go and many ISVs and integrators are becoming increasingly anxious. What is the perfect CMS for my client? Am I competitive enough? Many believe most CMS are similar, almost indistinguishable. Our research shows that digital signage CMS differ a lot, from tech-stack to features and beyond. But is selecting the perfect software the sole key to success?

DSS Europe 2024 in May

Besides of cracking the code to identify the perfect CMS, we have been very busy in planning the speaker line-up for DSS Europe 2024 in Munich. The speakers are being released continuously, but for everyone to better understand what to expect, we have created a program structure overview. Again – two full days with probably the best expert line-up ever.

Can discounter shopping be an experience?

Shopping at Decathlon stores hasn’t been the best shopping experience ever – it’s similar to Amazon. Not a place where consumers want to spend more time than necessary – but very convenient and mostly great-value for low prices. The instore shopping experience is now supposed to change as Decathlon is refurbishing its brand and stores. To find out what to expect at the French sporting goods discounter, read our article.

A Screen is a Screen, really?

Maybe not, as Lufthansa and LG are testing UHD inseat screens as part of a completely new cabin entertainment offering. Backseat video screens are usually of awful quality (at least in economy class) and the user-experience is very limited. LG and Lufthansa Technik joined forces to change the way passengers are entertained in the air.

Last but not least – a very busy event season is starting. We will be at Beijing Infocomm China in April hosting our first bilingual digital signage conference track. For everyone in Europe, PPDS is inviting the industry to it’s first Solution and Tech Summit in Amsterdam.

We’re looking forward to meeting all of you latest at DSS Europe 2024 (22-23 May) in Munich or even earlier next week – same place, same time for the Signage Sunday invidis confidential newsletter.

Have a great week

Florian Rotberg