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Digital Signage Software Compass FAQ

Welcome to the invidis Digital Signage Software Compass FAQ section. Here, you’ll find answers to common questions about our independent comparison tool designed to help you navigate the digital signage landscape. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

1. What is the Digital Signage Compass and its purpose?

The Digital Signage Compass is designed for:

  • End-users looking for the perfect digital signage solution
  • IT/AV/DS Integrators without a software platform
  • Integrators with own software solutions searching for alternatives / to benchmark
  • Independent Software Vendors (ISVs)

The invidis Digital Signage Software Compass serves as a comprehensive resource and platform for digital signage software-related topics, offering expert knowledge, editorial independence, and transparency in a fragmented market. Our current focus is on digital signage content management systems which will be complemented with Remote Device Management (RDM) soon.

2. Why was the Digital Signage Software Compass created?

We created the Digital Signage Compass to provide:

  • A resourceful platform for digital signage software-related topics
  • Expert knowledge with editorial independence and neutrality
  • Transparency in a fragmented market
  • An independent guide to digital signage software

3. How many digital signage systems are currently included?

We are currently working with a core group of around 30 leading CMS. For the full launch, we are planning to include 50, with a long waiting list for additional platforms.

4. When is the go-live launch?

The go-live launch is scheduled for May at the Digital Signage Summit Europe (DSSE) in Munich.

5. What is the pricing model?

We offer annual subscription to access the compass database with exclusive access to data, market insights and a personal MS Teams-based onboarding.

6. What are the costs to get my digital signage CMS listed in the compass?

Listing your DS CMS in the compass is free. However, we require that the CMS has at least 10,000 active licenses to be eligible for listing.

7. Is the Digital Signage Compass sponsored in any way?

No, the tool is not sponsored by any company. In contrast, invidis is investing heavily to provide the industry and end-users thoroughly vetted data. Our main goal is to provide an independent solution, which is why listing and verification are free.

8. Is the data in the Digital Signage Compass validated?

Yes, all provided features from the software vendors are verified by invidis through a lengthy personal verification process with the software vendors.

9. What are the main features the compass provides?

The compass is not just a ranking or feature comparison tool. It works with a scoring model based on most relevant topics for each category. The ranking is a result of your individual requirements, which can be set up in the software compass to find the best fit.

10. What comparison categories does the compass offer?

The compass offers comparison categories such as User Interface, Operations, APIs, Innovation, Security, Complexity, Multiplatform Support, Sustainability, and Commercialization.

11. What are the main differentiating drivers?

Key differentiating drivers include APIs and API-first approach, device management capabilities, architecture and hosting setup, multiplatform support features, development setup and release frequency, cybersecurity, and (native) readiness for retail media/programmatic advertising.

12. Will there be more or other categories in the future?

Yes, the compass is a living tool. We always look at the market and create or adjust the categories to meet the industry’s needs. Updates to the scoring model will be applied at least once a year.

13. As an end user, can I already have a demo?

Yes, please contact us via e-mail, and we will come back to you for an individual demo.

14. As a software vendor, where can I register to get listed in the compass?

Please use the software compass survey form here to register for listing.

15. How do I update my software’s information in the compass?

Software vendors can update their information directly through the provided form in the software compass. We ensure that all information remains current and accurate through regular updates and direct communication with vendors.

16. Can I compare multiple digital signage solutions side-by-side?

Yes, our tool allows you to compare multiple digital signage solutions side-by-side based on your selected criteria, making it easier to find the solution that best fits your needs.

17. How often is the Digital Signage Compass updated?

The Digital Signage Compass is updated regularly to reflect new entries, updates from existing vendors, and changes in the digital signage landscape. We strive to provide the most current and comprehensive information available.

For any further questions or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.