
Mango: Minimal signage with big impact

Barcelona | Parallel to the upscale shopping mile Passeige de Gracia stretches Ramblas Catalunya – a worthwhile detour with lesser-known digital signage delicacies. A highlight is the newly renovated Mango store at Rambla Catalunya No. 90. The Catalan fashion group is showing the new New Med store design concept in a former cinema.

Fashion retailers love former cinemas – in Madrid Primark and Uniqlo have set up shop in former cinemas, in Miami Beach it is H&M and in Barcelona Mango in the former Alexandra cinema. The fashion chain from Catalonia took over the former cinema in 2015 and converted it into a fashion store. After the pandemic, the store has now been completely renovated and reopened in the Mediterranean-inspired New Med concept.

The new concept has now been implemented for the first time outside of Mango flagship stores. The fact that the former cinema does not count as a flagship is due to the huge number of 28 stores with 16,000 m² that Mango operates in its hometown. In the former Cine Alexandra building, Mango presents excerpts of its offering on 1,300 m² of sales space.

Mango says sustainability and architectural integration are key to this new design. The Green Store concept includes eco-efficient lighting, heating and ventilation as well as the use of sustainable materials.

Minimal signage with a big impact

From a digital signage perspective, the store is a disappointment at first glance. Apart from an LED, which is not particularly large for a cinema room, Mango does not have any digital touchpoints. On the two adjacent walls, Mango uses large-format mirrors that reflect the main LED program. Minimal effort – big impact.

Mirrors instead of screens are not very popular in the digital signage industry – but if you make small compromises in the content experience, you can do well with it. Not only Spanish fashion chains but also large travel retailers and Victoria’s Secret rely on mirrors in combination with signage. But we have rarely seen it as appealing as in the heart of Barcelona.