
ISE 2024: Samsung Launches VXT

At ISE 2024, Samsung will officially launch the digital signage platform VXT. The successor to Magicinfo was soft-launched in the summer of 2023 at Infocomm and is now, with new features added, being formally introduced to the market for the first time. On January 31st, at the DSS ISE event, invidis has invited two VXT experts, Corporate EVP Alex Lee, and Europe VP Simon Jackson, for a Fireplace Talk.

At the NRF Retail’s Big Show, Samsung already presented the latest features of the cloud-based CMS system – still a little hidden between digital signage displays and DooH screens for EV charging stations. The pre-launch of Samsung’s newest digital signage platform had created big waves among Samsung’s ecosystem partners last summer. Initially, many integrators were unsure about the positioning and the role that partners would play with VXT in the future.

Now the time has come for Samsung to make a grand launch of the platform. On January 31st, the leading display manufacturer will officially introduce it during ISE in Barcelona. We will also be discussing the platform, technology and business model with two leading Samsung managers at the invidis DSS ISE conference on the same day.

VXT replaces Magicinfo

Samsung’s new Visual Experience Transformation platform – VXT in short – has a modern cloud-first tech stack. In addition to content creation and management, it offers various remote device management functions such as Live-View. It can be used not only as a standalone CMS but is also a marketplace where other CMS and content providers can offer their solutions and services.

Already integrated are real estate and automotive solutions from the French Digital Signage provider Skysignage/Ngine: Ngine Real Estate and Ngine Automotive. Furthermore, digital artworks from globally renowned artists, known from Samsung’s The Frame, can be subscribed to through the VXT Art app. Samsung refers to these third-party applications as Pre-Integrated Repeatable Solutions (PIRS).

DSS ISE: invidis asks Samsung everything about VXT

VXT will play a central role for Samsung at ISE. At invidis, our goal is to enlighten and inform, which is why we have invited “Mr. VXT” Alex Lee from Samsung’s headquarters in South Korea and Samsung Vice President Simon Jackson to DSS ISE 2024. Samsung will be accompanied by the GSA association. GSA is a group of Samsung Magicinfo integrators who are now fully embracing VXT and have developed the first independent VXT apps.

Samsung plans to initially launch the new VXT in the USA, with a global rollout to follow throughout 2024.

Samsung can be found at ISE 2024 on stand 3F500.