
7m EUR: Digital Signage Tender for Madrid

Spanish train station operator Adif AV is completing rebuilding one of Spain’s most important stations. In order to bring the station up to date in regards to digital signage, the state infrastructure operator is tendering a €7 million equipment contract.

Public tenders published at the end of the year tend to get unnoticed over the holidays. The high-speed rail operator Adif Alta Velocity (Adif AV) is planning to spend roughly 7 million euros for digital signage equipment of the station and the railway tracks at the Madrid Chamartín-Clara Campoamor hub.

Procurement is planned for

  • 178 displays for indoor use (lobbies and transit areas),
  • 101 sunlight-ready outdoor screens,
  • 151 track and platform displays and
  • 6 large-format LED screens

Similar to airports and other train stations, Adif AV primarily relies on many small digital signage screens along the traveler journey instead of a few wall-filling LED departure displays. The flow of travelers slows down in front of large departure boards, while many displays distributed throughout the terminal and station hall cause less delay.

Adif Alta Velocity announced on December 20 that it had put out to tender a contract for the supply, installation, and commissioning of new information screens at the Chamartín-Clara Campoamor station in Madrid, valued at 7.14 million euros, with the aim of improving passenger service and achieving more efficient operations.

The installations include long-distance train displays for outdoor use, indoor and outdoor screens of different sizes (46, 55, 65, 75 and 86 inches) with UHD resolution, direct view LED screens in different sizes depending on location and requirements, as well as various additional devices.

The aim of the tender is to respond to the increased information needs of travelers as part of the ongoing renovation and modernization process at Chamartín station. Clara Campoamor station (with planned and updated information on train timetables, platform displays and possible delays)

New Chamartin train station in Madrid (Image: Adif AV)
New Chamartin train station in Madrid (Image: Adif AV)

New information concept and updated screen design

The new waiting lounge for high-speed trains was already put into operation in November. It’s the first area of the new train station fitted with many large format screens along the customer journey.

An updated modern screen design was also introduced with new colors and fonts, new pictograms, segmentation of information through the use of different colors and textures. Complemented by separate screens for dynamic guidance and the integration of new functionalities. The new digital signage concept supports Adif AV in meeting the UN SDG goals – SDG Goal 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.