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DSS Europe 2024: Much More than Just a Conference

What started small in 2006, is now the Davos of the digital signage industry: At the end of May, experts from all over the world will meet for DSS Europe 2024. This year, the conference will take place at a new date, offering even more networking opportunities and exclusive insights.

DSS Europe is the flagship version of all DSS conferences organized by invidis worldwide. This year, the summit will take place six weeks earlier – on May 22-23 at Munich Airport. The reason for the one-off postponement is quite simple: the European Football Championship Euro 2024 is taking place in Germany this year from mid-June to mid-July, which means that flights and hotels are very expensive during those two months. The European Football Championship will be followed by the Summer Olympics in Paris. A hot summer of sport awaits us.

Save the Date: DSS Europe 2024 – May 22 – 23, 2024 at the Hilton Munich Airport

Due to the earlier date, we are already giving you the first preview of the program: The theme of this year’s DSS Europe is “Signage & Software”. The invidis Yearbook 2024, which will be launched exclusively at the conference, will also focus on CMS and RDM platforms. At DSS Europe, we will also publish the invidis Compass, the first impartial digital signage software comparison platform. Another focus will be on the trending topic of “DooH & Retail Media”.

Matchmaking is back

Participants will also have even more networking opportunities this year: For the first time since the pandemic, invidis will once again offer the popular Managed Matchmaking where we bring together selected participants and exhibitors.

With more than 80 speakers from all over the world and leading global digital signage providers as participants, DSS Europe 2024 will once again be the leading industry conference. Registration, hotel bookings and exhibitor bookings will go live in the coming days.