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Digital Signage Content: Engaging Experiences Wanted

Visible, relevant, memorable and engaging: That is how communication via digital signage must be. Captivating the audience needs a strategy from start to finish. One of the key elements in this is the content.

The first step for many companies that embark on their digital signage journey is to think about a screen. “We could put a screen here” or “a LED wall would look great here” are typical statements we all have heard so many times in discussions with brands, retailers, corporates, or any other companies that are considering an investment in digital signage.

However, digital signage should not be about the screen or technology. Instead, the first consideration should be “how can we better engage with our customers, employees, or users?”. It is about winning the hearts and minds of your audience to – measurably – influence behaviors. Or in other words, it is all about creating engaging experiences.

Ask the right questions

So, the real questions should be like “how do we create a connection to our audience to make them come back to our brand?” or “how can we increase the sale of our lunch combo meal?” or “how do we make sure that our line workers actually read our latest safety update?”.

When you start with purpose-led questions like these, you quickly realize that there are many different ways to reach your audience. You can use mobile, website, or social media channels. You can send e-mails, use online ads, or reach out via call centers. Or you use digital signage. So, what you need is a concept.

This is by no means just about large flagship projects or one-off immersive installations. ‘Standard digital signage’, too, must aim to create engaging experiences in order to fulfill its purpose.

Adding value

The vast majority of digital signage screens is used to shout out marketing messages. However, the best concepts create value for your customers. Be it by providing information, by delivering services or by entertaining your audience. When you design your concept always think about your target group first. What mindset are they in? What are their needs?

You think this goes without saying? Well, most concepts we see are loud, direct, and brand-focused rather than subtle, helpful, and customer-first. Consumers get increasingly annoyed with ads. So, in your next digital signage concept think about listening to your customers first before you start sending your messages. Because digital signage can be so much more than advertising, it can engage the audience and it can create real customer value.

In a second article, we will look at the concept behind digital signage content and take a look at the magic triad of digital signage. For this, watch invidis.com!

More information in the invidis Yearbook

This article is an excerpt from the invidis Yearbook 2023. For more information on content and analyses of the digital signage and DooH market, download the yearbook for free in our download section.