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172,627 Visits: ISE 2024 Breaks All-Time Records

Barcelona | 95,396 registrations, 73,891 visitors, 172,627 visits, the best ISE day ever – ISE 2024 has broken all records.

After spending four days on the show floor it doesn’t come as a surprise: ISE 2024 is the most successful ISE in the 20 years history.

The event broke almost every record that can be broken:

    • 73,891 unique visitors from more than 175 countries attended the trade show,
    • ISE recorded over four days a total of 172,627 visits and
    • 95,396 visitor registered to attend

But the 2024 show broke even more records: Wednesday was the most visited ISE day ever (51,617 visitors). And on Friday, the day that always tends to flatten out a little, there were still 24,528 – another record.

The show organizers also announced that visitor numbers from the DACH region were significantly higher than the last two years. Although exact figures have not yet been published, this is good news, especially for exhibitors, that the economically strongest region in Europe is once again showing a greater presence.

ISE 2024 breaks all expectations. (Photo: invidis)
ISE 2024 breaks all expectations. (Photo: invidis)