
Year in Review 2023: Kai-Marcus Thäsler | FAW

Kai-Marcus Thäsler, Managing Director of FAW (Germany’s Out of Home Association) outlines exclusively for invidis the successes that OoH was able to achieve in 2023 – and explains how the medium can position itself in terms of sustainability.

For the German Out-of-Home industry, 2023 was an “annus mirabilis”, a year full of good news and positive developments. First of all, economically: Permanent growth – every single month Nielsen reported OoH growth; in some cases the increase in sales was even double-digit.

Meanwhile, media spends in general spiralled into the red again and again in the wake of falling TV ad revenues. The result: In 2023, OoH will not only increase its gross volume significantly, but will also expand its market share to almost 9 percent. The often talked about 10 percent target is now finally in sight for 2024. And it should only be a “milestone”, as the new FAW President Alexander Stotz recently emphasized.

Solutions for tomorrow

What makes the “out-of-homies” so confident? The industry offers solutions and answers for tomorrow. The potential of our medium is far from being exhausted. OoH and especially DooH inspire the innovative power of media owners and the willingness of advertisers to experiment. Start-ups are entering the market with new ideas, media strategists and creative people are equally enthusiastic about previously unknown possibilities for dynamic, interactive visual worlds in public spaces.


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Just a few weeks ago, BMW delivered a prime example of a clever and innovative use of digital OoH with “traffic jam targeting”. In addition, out-of-home is changing from a pure advertising format to a real medium with relevant content for the mobile society.

OoH is aware of sustainable responsibility

One of the big questions of the time, also for the advertising and the media industry, is that of ecological sustainability. Out-of-Home 2023 has also found an answer to this, with a FAW-study on the compatibility of economic and ecological efficiency in mixed-media campaigns.

Since OoH has a particularly small ecological footprint compared to almost all other media, a shift of budget towards OoH inevitably leads to a reduction in carbon emissions of the entire campaign. The new study on the “Return on Environment” (ROE) has proven this beyond any doubt. Emission values on the one hand and central economic KPIs of a campaign on the other hand can be optimized simultaneously by our calculator. In such an optimal media mix, campaigns can be made “greener” through OoH without having to accept any losses in terms of economic goals.

Such control is becoming increasingly important because the ecological balance of advertising and communication will increasingly influence advertisers’ media strategy decisions. The FAW will therefore continue the ROE study and expand its content in order to consistently support the upswing for our genre in the advertising market in the coming years with insights into the economics and ecology of campaigns.


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Cooperation with IDOOH

In the interests of the advertising market as well as the OoH medium, we have launched another groundbreaking project at the end of 2023: the German Outdoor Advertising Association FAW and IDOOH (Institute for Digital Out of Home Media) will work closely together in the future. In a cooperation agreement, we have agreed to support each other in important activities for the development of the (D)OoH. This particularly includes the development of a unified performance study for advertising media in semi-public and public spaces. If nothing else, we are laying the foundation for further growth of Out of Home.