by Florian Rotberg
Dear readers,
finally we managed to (soft)launch our English-language channel on As you may have heard us say before, invidis does not have the newsroom resources, to publish daily news in English (yet). Since 2006 invidis is publishing 30-50 articles a week in German on – we are probably one of the leading digital signage platforms in Europe.
At last we will start in early 2024 bringing you the best of invidis German-language news and exclusive insights of our consulting arm directly into your inbox. Our weekly English-language newsletter will complement our partner’s Sixteen-Nine’s North American view on the industry with a unique European perspective and exclusive invidis consulting insights.
This article is an on-site version of our invidis confidential newsletter. Soon you can sign up to our global edition to get it sent straight to your inbox every Friday.
My colleague Antonia Hamberger and I will keep you up to date with invidis confidential – the newsletter filled with market insights and personal views on latest industry developments. Watch and follow us on LinkedIn for more information about how to subscribe in the new year.

Innovation-leader Europe, but nobody scales as good as North America
I just returned from a busy week in North America with DSE in Las Vegas and meetings in North America’s secret digital signage software capital Montreal. The trip was challenging as my baggage and I were separated on my way across the Atlantic and haven’t reunited till today.
DSE has become a small add-on to the Live events show LDI, but surprisingly many digital signage market players came to Las Vegas to network and to meet on side events and at the show. Highlight was most obviously The Sphere, which many of us got the opportunity to experience from the inside for the first time. Heavy snowstorm in Munich cancelled by personal plans for the Sphere visit, but I will be back for Infocomm in June.
The Platform Game
Most noteworthy was the plethora of European ISVs attending DSE. All targeting the seemingly unlimited digital signage potential in North America. While Telelogos (France) and Easescreen (Austria) have already set up shops in the US, many other are planning to tap the market in the coming months. But nobody should be naive to believe that the established US-based industry player are waiting for more competition.
There is a general misconception on both sides of the Atlantic how different the mindset and requirements in North America vs. Europe are. Will European ISVs be able to deliver a suitable solution for a marketable pricing? Of course, as are US-based ISV in Europe. While digital signage concepts in North America are built to maximum scale, Europe focuses on highly complex, data driven concepts. But a platform is only as good as its ecosystem. And most European ISVs are lacking a cross-atlantic eco-system, yet. The next year will show how much traction ISVs can get on each other side of the Atlantic.

Green Signage Handbook
We at invidis take pride in our ability of setting the agenda in the global digital signage industry. Whether Green Signage, Digital Signage Business Critical, the remote device management framework or the future software architecture in digital signage and DooH. Our yearbooks have become the bible of the industry for more than ten years.
This week EMEA’s digital signage elite met for our annual executive lounge in Munich. At the event we launched our first Green Signage Handbook – the practical guide to more sustainable digital signage and DooH. The guide is free for download – 48 pages packed with strategies and hands-on advices of how to operate digital signage more sustainable.

Choosing the right CMS – Made by invidis
invidis will also launching the next generation of online comparison tools – the invidis software compass for CMS benchmarking and the invidis Carbon Footprint Calculator. Both tools will be launched at ISE – so please stay tuned.
ISE Barcelona 2024
The countdown is on for ISE 2024 – in a little bit more than a month the global digital signage industry will meet in Barcelona. The full invidis team will be on site. And we will host two conferences on Wednesday 31st of January.
In the morning invidis will kick-off the digital signage year 2024 with DSS ISE and in the afternoon invidis will host the ISE Retail summit in cooperation with Accenture, Google and the Barcelona Retail Association (Obertas Barcelona). For DSS tickets and agenda details please check here, interested in attending the retail forum? It is an invite only event – please drop me a mail.
The year 2024 will be another exciting digital signage year – stay tuned, follow our extensive reporting on and, follow us on LinkedIn and download our yearbook and green signage handbook.
From all of us at invidis HQ and the joint DSS team of ISE and invidis we wish you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a prosperous 2024.
Yours sincerly
Florian Rotberg