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DooH: AMD and the Tiktok Effect

The super media mix for young people: US chip manufacturer AMD brings its smartphone-style Tiktok campaign to DooH, achieving 27% more awareness among the target group.

Not too long ago, hardly anyone would have thought that computer chips had what it takes to become a “sexy”, marketable product. Most people weren’t interested in the technology behind their everyday devices. They were loyal to brands like Sony for Playstation, Tesla for cars or Apple for Macbooks. Very few realized that all three brands use chips from AMD.

This has changed in the past two years. With the AI boom, names like Nvidia and AMD are suddenly in the spotlight. These chip manufacturers are now aiming to connect with end consumers directly and have started to actively promote their brands.

AMD targets young Germans

A prime example of this is AMD’s latest marketing campaign. Collaborating with the agency Havas Media, the US company has launched a comprehensive awareness campaign aimed specifically at young audiences in the German market. The campaign focused on three target groups: gamers, young professionals, and tech-savvy early adopters. To cover all three of them, the team selected a media mix made up of two channels: Tiktok and DooH.


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Tiktok and DooH as Daily Companions

The idea was to accompany the target groups along their daily routines. In the morning, when people check their phones, the Tiktok ad was played out. During their commute to work or university, digital billboards at bus stops and along the roadside were activated. To ensure the messages were delivered at the right time and place, the campaign was booked entirely programmatically through the Hawk demand-side platform (DSP) and displayed at Walldecaux’s DooH locations where the target groups were present.

“Look and Feel” from Tiktok

AMD and Havas adopted a “TikTok-first” approach for the campaign’s content. The DooH screens acted as amplifiers for what the target audience had already seen on their smartphones. Since young people are often engrossed in scrolling through short videos on the app, the campaign used a TikTok-style presentation to capture their attention.

The plan was successful: According to Havas, the campaign reached a total of 14.4 million contacts, and awareness of AMD’s new product line, Ryzen AI, increased by 27% among respondents.

Havas noted that this Tiktok extension marked a media first in Germany. In other markets, however, Tikrok has already established the out-of-phone experience. In the USA, the Chinese video platform collaborates with DooH providers like GSTV and Loop TV to extend social media campaigns into public spaces.