
invidis confidential 20/24: Digital Signage Trends in Asia

This week the invidis tour stopped at Bangkok’s Infocomm Asia 2024 for great sessions around retail digital signage and QSR. I spent 10 days in Asia to discover latest trends in digital signage and DooH.

The APAC region is often neglected by Western digital signage providers as a region to complex to serve and with dated digital signage concepts. This is not true anymore as global brands are setting the tone in customer experiences, regional integrators developing concepts catering local needs and AI startups leading the way to more human and intelligent experiences.

We met Giant Pumpkin CEO Sebastian Sevensson from Bangkok to discuss the state of the industry. A must read for everyone to discover the potential of professional signage concepts in the APAC.

We also published a market insight about the ASEAN region – one of many invidis original stories this week at invidis.com.

Digital Signage with a Human Touch

In an AI defined world, also digital signage is being disrupted with new forms of personalization and a more human face. Hong Kong start-up Pantheon Lab develops human digital for digital signage to improve the user experience and raise efficiency.

Panasonic sells Projection Business

The Japanese group announced in May that they consider carving out the professional projection business to sell to a third party buyer. According to NHK, the Japanese financial investor Orix was selected to acquire the business.

Kiosk terminals enable Ikea six times more customer engagements                           

Order and information kiosks can be a game-changer if properly integrated into the customer journey. Again Ikea has proven to master customer experience by placing touchscreens where they matter.  

And McDonald’s is again leading the QSR sector by adding voice guiding features to its order terminals. Another step for more inclusiveness.

And dynamic pricing is coming to QSR – great news as the end of fixed pricing requires digital signage screens and ESL. The background story of how QSR becomes a little bit more like Uber & Co

Vive la France

The Euro 2024 in Germany is over – Congratulations to Spain – and next are the Summer Olympics in Paris. We took the opportunity to analyze the French digital signage market in our market compass

Samsung invests into AI

The global digital signage leader acquired an AI start-up to improve recommendation engines and product catalog solutions. The offerings of the knowledge graph specialist sound complex – and they are – but an integration into future Samsung software solutions like VXT would bring great benefits to the industry

We have so much more to share from Asia, so please join us for the next signage Sunday invidis confidential on July 27th only here at invidis.com

Have a great week
