
ISE 2024: Enchanting Barcelona

Barcelona | While ISE 2024 is only three weeks away we are busy covering the news and finding the best digital signage installations in Barcelona. For research and organization we visited Barcelona regularly throughout the year – following some invidis impression to get in ISE mood.

Of course, invidis will also be there again, with new offers for digital signage, DooH, retail, green signage and software platforms. There is also a lot to experience beyond the exhibition grounds in 2024.

The Catalan capital showe off its most beautiful, seductive side in the last week of September. With late summer temperatures around 30 degrees, the streets, squares and rooftop bars were busy – even on the city beach thousands of guests and locals enjoyed the late summer. Such temperatures are also unusually warm for Barcelona at the end of September.

invidis was on site to prepare for the upcoming ISE, meeting with businesses and associations for an exciting and innovative program at the ISE and offsite in the city. Even if the temperatures at the end of January won’t be as summery, ISE 2024 will once again be a hot ProAV and digital signage show.