
DooH: Tiktok Expands to Out-of-Phone

Seoul | After a few test campaigns, Tiktok is expanding its advertising model beyond mobile into the public space. The social media platform’s out-of-phone DooH offerings enable advertisers to also display their Tiktok campaigns on DooH screens – for greater reach and more attention.

It’s really no secret that social media, mobile and DooH complement each other well. DooH media owner such as Ocean Outdoor have proven in studies that extending social media campaigns to large DooH screens significantly improves the effectiveness of campaigns.

With over 1 billion monthly active users worldwide, the Chinese short video app is an alternative for advertisers to the major US social media platforms from Meta (Instagram, Facebook), Google (Youtube), X (Twitter) & Co. Also Due to stricter EU data protection regulations, social media networks are looking for new business models. In addition to paid and ad-free payment models, new cross-media forms of advertising are also getting more popular. Tiktok builds on out-of-phone OoH – the combination of mobile and DooH (invidis report).


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Out-of-Phone OoH – from mobile to DooH

In South Korea we discovered one of Tiktok’s first attempts on DooH screens a year ago. Tiktok showed campaigns with sound on selected portrait format DooH billboards – the effect was nothing other than huge smartphones. But the concept in Seoul was not scalable – the majority of DooH screens are not upright and the play-out of sound is usually not possible either.

To expand the platform’s presence on standard DooH screens, Tiktok developed new advertising formats in cooperation with DooH networks and cinemas:

  • Out-of-Phone: Billboard
  • Out-of-Phone: Cinema
  • Out-of-Phone: Other Screens

Tiktok campaigns in public spaces

Brands can now extend their Tiktok campaigns into public spaces on DooH screens. According to Tiktok, this should work in such a way that brands can start a campaign on Tiktok, generate attention within communities and YouTubers and then extend campaigns and user-generated content to DooH screens in order to reach new and far-reaching target groups.

Similarly, Tiktok offers extension to cinema screens and in-store DooH screens via a growing network of DooH media partners. The first market is North America, where Adomni, Dive, GSTV, Loop TV, Raydiant, ReachTV, Redbox, Screenvision and Vevo were won as DooH partners.

Nothing official is yet known about the exact market entry of Out-of-Phone in Europe.

JCDecaux’s German subsidiary Wall Decaux tested also already a campaign in Germany in collaboration with Thjnk in which Tiktok videos were broadcast on DooH.