

Responsible for this website

invidis consulting GmbH
Gisela-Stein-Straße 6
81671 München

Phone: +49 [0]89 2000-416-17
E-Mail: info@invidis.com

Management Board
Florian Rotberg

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Responsible for content according to Art. 18 para. 2 of the State Treaty on Media Services (MStV)

Florian Rotberg
Gisela-Stein-Straße 6
81671 München

Phone: +49 [0]89 2000-416-17
E-Mail: florian.rotberg@invidis.com

Contact for advertisers

Christine Koller
Phone: +49 [0]89 2000-416-17
E-Mail: Christine.Koller@invidis.com

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Press releases

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Web development

just 4 business GmbH, Kranzhornstraße 4b, 83043 Bad Aibling, Germany

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